Pelotonia: Team Burgie MediaFusion

By July 1, 2024Blog
pelotonia bicycle riders

Pelotonia was started in 2008 for the purpose of raising money for innovative cancer research. Since they started, Pelotonia has raised over 264 million dollars. Riders come together to bike 20-190 miles in a show of their support. This year the ride weekend is August 3-4. Participating on the Burgie MediaFusion team this year are Barb Burgie and Cathy Dieckman. Over her 10 years of riding, Barb has raised over $18,097. Cathy has raised $18,760 in her 12 years of riding. As a company, we have raised $59,010 in the past 8 years. We’d love it if you would donate to our ride to help end cancer.

Team Burgie MediaFusion-Why Barb Participates

Barb participates in the ride so that we can end cancer. She rides because one person can make a difference. #nomoreyellowsocks. Ride, donate, volunteer, cheer and support. We are all in this together. She is so excited that so many of her village are participating and supporting Team BMF.

Team Burgie MediaFusion-Why Cathy Participates

survivors bell pelotonia

Cathy has leaped way beyond her five-year milestone since her cancer diagnosis. This year she is back completing the 20-mile route. She thanks ALL her cheerleaders, donators, riding partners and enthusiastic well-wishers! YOU have made a difference in her life and cancer research. Please choose to donate to the causes that impact you and your family the most as that’s where it comes from the heart.  Just do it!

Why our team participates in Pelotonia

We are a small, mighty, and amazing team who care deeply about our families and mankind. Our commitment to the community continues as we ride for our EIGHTH year in support of ONE GOAL -> END CANCER.