The Power of Thank You in Business and Personal Relationships!

By May 24, 2022Blog

These two words, “Thank You”. How often do you say them in a day? How often do you stop and really think about why you are saying them? Or do you go on with your day and forget to thank friends, family, and business associates for everything they are doing?

We can all get caught up in the day-to-day minutiae and forget to say thank you. This happens especially in business and within our families. There are tasks we all just expect people to do, whether it’s part of someone’s job or your spouse doing the dishes or the laundry. But a simple heart-felt thank you can change someone’s mood, create a positive feeling, and help to build strong relationships.

Our Burgie MediaFusion team met for lunch recently, and the act of saying “Thank You” came up. So, we challenged everyone to write down what the act of saying “Thank You” meant to them. We sincerely hope that our thoughts give you pause and help you reflect on how and when you say thank you.


Personally, I find joy in expressing gratitude because all too often in life someone does not realize the impact they have made by their actions. When I stop and reflect on the kindness of others it brings me happiness and allows me to share that with others creating a cycle that I adore.

In business, I think “big wins” are often expressed as a “Thank You”—i.e., new clients and/or additional revenue. However, gratitude for the work, the people, and the effort is more valuable than any “big win” in my opinion.


Verbal vs Written—I feel the written “Thank You” is an art that ended with Gen X. I think that is why the power of the written thank you in business (as well as personal life) is valuable and appreciated. Knowing that a vendor took time to write a thank you note and send it to the client shows genuine appreciation for that client’s business.

In the world of small business, referral is king, and authentically thanking a client for their business, either verbally or in writing, demonstrates appreciation for their business and opens the door to ask for referrals down the line by building a valued relationship. Yep, thanking goes a long way to building a valued relationship.


Saying “Thank You” serves a significant role in and outside of work. Within the work setting, it is important to show appreciation for your employees, colleagues, and even bosses for many reasons. Everyone is working hard and in a lot of instances, we depend on others within our organizations to help us complete our tasks and duties. Working together as a “well-oiled machine” produces success, and that machine has many parts. I know that when I work hard on something or go out of my way for people, these two words mean so much. It feels good to support and help others and to receive recognition, even by way of “Thank You” which goes a long way. It makes me feel valued, seen, heard, and helpful. It motivates me to want to continue to do a good job and help you out. 

When working with clients, internal and external, I try to remember how valuable their time is. We are all busy and have the constant push and pull of work/life balance, and for someone to take time out of their day can sometimes be difficult. I like to say “I appreciate your time” often, because, let’s face it—there isn’t enough time in the day! Putting ourselves in others’ shoes and trying to understand what they have done for us is a great way to remember to give thanks to those that help you. 

Lastly, building relationships is a key factor in being successful in the workplace. Whether it is with a client, co-worker, sponsor, or mentor—you want to build a foundation of trust, respect, and honesty. Part of accomplishing that is to recognize the give and take and thank these people for their inevitable role in you being successful. 

“Thank you” are two small words strung together that hold so much weight and so much power. It is amazing that this phrase can bring a smile to someone’s face, enhance a person’s self-worth, and motivate a person to do more and do better. 


I believe that giving thanks and expressing gratitude is important in ALL settings. It is not only a constant reminder to yourself that you have things to be thankful for, but it also allows you to show appreciation externally. Who doesn’t love being appreciated? In business, I think it is especially important to show gratitude, being open, honest, and grateful has led to some of the best working relationships!

I know personally, that when people say “Thank You” it makes me strive to do better for them, or it keeps me motivated to continue a great partnership. I feel like all the clients I deal with directly are wonderful at expressing gratitude, so I truly enjoy working with them. 

Being grateful and showing it can only lead to positive outcomes!


Those two words—”Thank You”— have the power to completely transform any business or personal response. Too many times, we go on about our day without saying thanks to a friend, a spouse, a coworker, a waiter or waitress, a sales associate, or a boss. What seems like something so simple can change the attitude of someone, change the outcome of a situation, or just make someone feel heard and appreciated.

Taking the time to text, email, or even better, write a hand-written note to say “Thank You” is so important whether it’s for business or personal. I have found that sending a hand-written thank you is the best way for me to thank someone. To me, it just shows that I really appreciate what someone did and am taking the time to write and mail a note of thanks.


A professional “Thank You” can be unexpected, as often people can think “I’m just doing my job.” But if someone does their job well, or extends an extra degree of work or attention to that job, it should be recognized. Then that unexpected expression of gratitude can be seen as a genuine “Thank You” for being a good person. That feels good. Or it can be an acknowledgement of going the extra distance to do something well, and in turn help the receiver feel like doing a good job pays off by being recognized. Everyone wants to feel seen, even in a business setting.


Who can you say “Thank You” you to today? Is it someone who helped you with an order on the phone, a customer that came into your store, a waiter that brought you your food, a neighbor that brought in your trash can, a teacher, a client or coworker, the list goes on and on. We challenge you to not only say “Thank You”, but to stop and think why you are saying it and adding those thoughts to your “Thank You”!

And THANK YOU to everyone that we work with. We can’t do what we do without you and we want you to know that.

If you want to think about this more, read our Gratitude blog as a companion to this one.