Goal Setting – Can You Commit to Making Some Personal Goals?

By February 10, 2020Blog, Featured

In every initial meeting with a prospective client, we talk about setting goals. The first few months of a new year seem to be the time that everyone puts into place these goals for the new year, the new decade; however, I feel like goal setting for personal goals seems to be done only a few times a year.

In business, we track with most of our clients Key Performance Indicators on a monthly basis.  We love working with our clients to look at how we are achieving goals each year based on these monthly success indicators.   

I started to chuckle as I was recently doing my 2020 goal planning for myself and realized a great practice for my personal goals that I had not previously used. Create a tracking system for the key goals to ensure that maybe the steps I want to take (working out, eating better) are actually being done. Rather than waiting until the end of the year and saying, “Oops I didn’t make that goal!” isn’t it better to assess monthly?

In 2019, each month brought a variety of new and exciting challenges that made some of my initial goals possible and others had to put on the backburner for periods of time. JUST like business, don’t you agree?

I think so much of what we do at work directly impacts our homelife. From how we are treated, how we treat others, to what we are able to accomplish and where we don’t meet expectations or goals. We need to find a positive balance between the two.

So, in the first few months of the year, I invite you personally and professionally to pick no more than two or three goals. Take time each month to track them and then pivot and change what you are doing if you find the goals are not being met. IF you are lucky enough to be meeting all of your goals; then set a few more after a few months. 

Enjoy this year, each day, and commit to new routines that allow for change and excitement in every one of your days.