Marketing with TikTok Series: 2 Following and Creating Brands on TikTok

By March 8, 2022Blog

In our introduction to TikTok, we discussed how the app works, its purpose, and how it engages with users. We touched on TikTok’s history and discussed ways in which to create content. We assigned homework to download the app and create your own “home page” to play, absorb, and explore. Did you do your homework? Now, it is time for series 2, which will focus on following brands and creating an authentic space for your own. And yes, expect some homework.

Following Brands on TikTok

Now that you have created and curated your home page, TikTok will automatically populate your feed with videos of people or brands that it thinks may interest you. By clicking “follow” or “not interested,” you are furthering your personalized feed to bring up content that interests you. As you click these options to provide feedback, you may be wondering how to find more content of something in particular, or how to add a new type of video to your feed. This is where hashtags come in.

Discover the endless brands and influencers by following hashtags and finding videos that interest you. By clicking the “Discover” button on the bottom left portion of your screen you will be presented with a list of trending and popular hashtags to follow.

Some examples of these hashtags include:

  • #WorkFromHome
  • #TreatYourself
  • #Recipes
  • #Styling
  • #HowTo
  • #HomeDecor
  • #WorkoutRoutine
  • #DIYProjects

As you scroll through the options, choose whichever hashtag speaks to you, tap it, and click “Add to Favorites” to see more content relating to this topic. As they start to populate your feed, you can choose to follow and continue to personalize what you see and when you see it. Once you follow a specific brand, they are in your curated video feed, so you do not miss their content.

Creating Your Authentic Brand on TikTok

Start with TikTok Business. By creating a business profile within the app, you will have access to performance metrics, creative tools, and audience feedback to build your brand and expand your reach. Once your account is set up and you are ready to begin creating content, there are several things making TikTok different than other platforms that play into what you put out into the world.

  1. Make ads that don’t look like ads. The most engagement with brands on TikTok is through videos that do not look like the typical ads you would see on other platforms or on TV. These videos are fun, authentic, and real. Don’t overthink your video, just be creative, genuine, and original and the users will follow.
  2. Incorporate Purpose. Building a narrative aligning with your brand is key, and incorporating a purpose helps to start conversations and grow a community. In TikTok, you have the unique opportunity to appeal to users that care about your purpose, whether it be social issues, political issues, or giving back. Be a part of the “everyday conversation.”
  3. Be a TikTok User. To appeal to the users of TikTok, it is imperative that you too, are a user. Engage in the TikTok community, keep on top of what is trending, and be a voice in the conversation. Read your comments, understand feedback, and don’t focus on the last post, but on your next post. Above all, BE AUTHENTIC.

Helpful Resources & Homework

Here it comes…HOMEWORK. In our next series, we will go through step by step how to create a TikTok video and all the cool creative ways to enhance it on TikTok. Until then, your homework is to use the discovery button and start following hashtags and brands. Get involved! Become a user! This will help you to navigate your own business account and create that genuine narrative. Here are some great sources to help you brainstorm ways to create your brand on TikTok:

Stay tuned to our social media and website for the last installment of our series to help your business grow on TikTok! As always, our team here at Burgie MediaFusion is ready to help you with your marketing and social media needs. Give us a call at 614-273-0783.